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Name: Online Date Becomes Audens Prey POV
Studio: Canadian Giantess
Price: $ 11.99
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:14:28
Size (MB): 2 GB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Imagine an inexperienced Auden inviting her prey in for the first time. After trying some online dating, she's found a guy willing to come over. A bit nervous, Auden eventually explains that she plans to shrink him down and eat him! To no surprise, the guy seems against the idea, but for some reason he's quite entranced. Auden explains what will happen a couple times and he doesn't seem that sure if he wants to be shrunken down. After being made tiny, Auden teases him a bit more but of course, ends up eating him. Lots of dialogue, a few short tummy scenes, and basically a focus on story. There really aren't any inside mouth views, more so scenes of her enjoying her candy close up. This is more so your traditional classic Auden story.
Status: Available