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Name: Ms Big and the Golden Monkey
Studio: Growth Dreams
Price: $ 8.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:08:03
Size (MB): 177 MB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1280x720
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Ms. Big is at the museum and is going to steal the golden monkey and is confronted by a security guard. she convinces him to allow her to see the monkey since it is too big to steal anyway. After he lets her in and she grows and rips out of her clothes then gets a large drape and fashions an outfit. She uses a spear to scare the tiny guard away and steals the monkey by simply picking it up and putting it in her cleavage. She then breaks out of the building and tries to escape but is confronted by several police and finally the guard she tricked earlier. She even has to battle a helicopter.
Status: Available