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Name: Maleka shrinks and teases the foot perv VR4K
Studio: Shrink U Down
Price: $ 9.99
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:11:25
Size (MB): 2 GB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 3840 x 1920
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: In my 17 years, I don't think I've met a model who knew how to berate and tease a tiny better than Maleka. Kim Marvel was good, Natalie Minx, Gretchen of course... but this was so convincing, I had her entire conversation transcribed. What's posted below was not scripted; she came up with all this on the fly. Watch as she threatens to crush you under or in her many shoes. Clip starts with you just waking up from her shrinking potion, so it is a bit out of focus for a minute, then you come to, and realize your perilous situation. VR4K.

"Well, well, well, you thought you could just spy on me at the park. You thought you could just sneakily look at my feet, Being a little creep. Is that what you thought you could do? Well, what do you think about how big you are now? I mean, you're not even the size of my little thumbnail, are you?

You are so tiny because I shrunk you down. This is how you're gonna stay too. That's what you get for creeping on my feet. You don't get to choose how you stare at my feet. But lucky for you, I'm gonna give you a nice show.

I've got so many shoes, and I think you're gonna love them. But you're gonna stare at them my way. It's not about you. It's about me. So, you just get ready for the show.

Oh, look at these. Now aren't these beautiful? They make those pretty black toes look so scrumptious, don't they? It would be so easy to simply crush your little body with my powerful big toe right there. It would be so easy to squish you.

But I have to use all these shoes, don't I? So, let's give you a little show. Let me think about my pretty pink sandals. Could you look inside of these? It would be so easy to just stick you right between my toes and make you live right there.

Is that what you would like? Is that what you had in mind today when you were simply staring at me, spying on my feet, being a little creep? But you get to stare at them right now. I could just push you right there. Oops.

I knocked you down. Sorry about that. I just don't know how big I am these days. Maybe I could just step on you. I'd be very interested to know whether your body pops, whether you squish, and what kind of noises and crunches I could get from your body simply by stepping down on you.

I wonder. But we've got some other shoes to show you. Let's do another pair here. Oh, these are a good one. These shoes right here.

Better watch out for falling shoes. Let's get these shoes off. Look at that. Look at those toe prints right there. What do you think about those?

You wanna smell them? There you go. You don't even have a choice. Just smell those shoes right into those toe prints. I get so sweaty in these leather sandals.

Maybe you could lick it a little bit. You don't really have a choice. I'm in control. You have no option but to do what I say. So, lick it!

Very good. I can make you live right inside my sandals here, my sexy heels. Could you live in between my toes? Watch out for falling shoes. That one almost hit you.

You better be careful. It would be so easy to crush your teeny tiny body, wouldn't it? It would be so easy. It wouldn't even take any pressure from my feet. Just a little, and you'd be gone.

Flattened, crushed under my powerful feet. First, you need to admire these shoes. These sexy heels? Do you like these ones? Are these the ones that you wanted to stare at?

Are these the ones you wanted to be a creep about? I know it's these feet, isn't it? Probably doesn't even matter which shoes I'm wearing. You'd be a creep no matter what, wouldn't you? I should just end it all right now, shove you between my toe, and make you sit right there until I accidentally crush your whole body simply by walking around.

I wouldn't even feel it probably. You're so small. You're barely the size of my little toenail there. You're so tiny. I've got a couple more pairs of shoes to show you, though, and then I have something extra special for you.

Oops. Can I tell you to be careful of falling shoes? You should really be more careful. I don't wanna crush you just yet. Of course.

Maybe I just won't crush you at all. Maybe I'll just keep you right inside my shoe and make you live in there. What do you think about that? Could you just live inside my flip flops, right in between my toes, living off of my toe jam and my toe sweat? You don't have a choice.

Don't you forget that. You can live right here whether I say so or not. I could just show your face and your whole body right between my toes. Are you scared? You look scared.

You're trembling a little bit. You have no control, so there's no need to fear because fear is just a form of control. And you have none. So, you just stay along for the ride. How about that?

I can easily just take it right now. Hear that pop? Hear the crunch of your bones? Feel the pop of your head? But I do have something so special.

Something I'm very excited to show you. Something I think you're gonna like. So why don't we do that right now? Are you excited to see what I have in store for you? It's gonna be so exciting.

I don't think you've ever experienced anything like what I'm going to do to you. Now I'm gonna give you a couple options here. You see these shoes? You're gonna get the chance to choose what shoe you'd like to live in. My Converse sneakers.

Oh, these get very sweaty and stinky. Can you imagine these shoes just living right in here? Or my flats. What do you think about these ones? Of course, flats get nice and sweaty and stinky.

What do you think? Why don't we give them both a try? I'm gonna put you right on the floor and then put you in the shoe. Come with me. You stay right there.

Here is this shoe. I could just swallow you completely with this shoe, but I wanna make sure that you get the full experience. Get right down in there. How's that smell? Is it good?

It's probably pretty sweaty from in there, isn't it? Just imagine how it's gonna be when my foot gets inside the shoe. Did you think you would just live inside the shoe and that was it? No. I'm gonna wear you in my shoe for the rest of the day.

Those are the choices that you have. You can live in my Converse sneakers or you can live in my flats. But you know what? I think I'm gonna choose what shoe since I'm the one in control here, and I'm the one that gets to have all the fun. Why don't you sit your body up?

I want you to see exactly what you're gonna be looking at here when my feet slowly come into this shoe. Oh, yes. Do you think you can live right here, right between my toes? Do you think you would make it with me walking around in your tiny do it? Do you think you'd survive?

We'll have to wait and see. It's gonna get awful sweaty and stinky in there, isn't it? My feet sweat terribly inside these sneakers. But I think the flats might be a little bit more doable. They have slightly more room in there.

I think you should give those a try too. So, you just put it right here. Right here on the floor. Let's see here. There we go.

Let's try these on for size, shall we? Just look at how nice these are. Much roomier, don't you think? You might have more room to move around and potentially get squished, though. It's okay with me.

I'm just all about having fun. We're gonna have some fun, aren't we? That's what you wanted to do today. Right? You wanted to have a little foot fun staring at my feet, creeping on me.

Oh, now I get to have my fun. Oh, here they come. I think my feet will fit nicely inside these flats with your little body just right here. Yes. I think that will work out nicely.

Oh, yes. You fit perfectly right here in my foot. How's the smell down there? It's gonna be quite strong. These flats do get very, very sweaty and very stinky.

Maybe you can just slurp up some of that sweat that comes off my foot. That's what you can do. You can be a little foot slave for me, taking care of all the stink and the sweat to keep my feet perfect for the next foot boy that decides to stare at me. Maybe I can have a whole collection of you. What do you think about that, Maybe I can shoot right behind your heel and pull it?

Just like that."
Status: Available