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Name: Lego - SFX Epic
Studio: Hebrew Giantess
Price: $ 20.00
Length (hh:mm:ss): 00:19:26
Size (MB): 1 GB
Format: MP4
Resolution: 3840 x 2160
Media Type: DOWNLOAD
Description: Kali invites her foot-freak ex-boyfriend into her house. she wants "to talk". he is quite sure that she wants to forgive him for cheating on her and give them both a second chance.

He is wrong.

back in the day, I created an Epic SFX titled "The lego prison", starring legendary Goddess Kissa. this was such a good film, I was shocked to realize in 2022 that I never created another version of it with another actress. up until now.

I think this version is much better in many ways. just grab it and enjoy the immense size of beautiful Kali and her sheer power in full display. this video is one to be remembered.

size comparisons
Ground-shakes/booming sounds
Extreme pov/bug's eye view
hide & seek
unique shots (In-lego view)
Status: Available